Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Doing okay so far...

It's always easy enough to stick with an eating change at the beginning. I'm sure you've done the same a thousand times too (well, maybe it's just me whose tried and failed a thousand times) - anyway, the motivation is high and the novelty triggers some endorphins to make the diet self rewarding - then, harsh reality sets in. The brain is wired to go to the negative (for survival because nothing that's fun and easy relates to keeping us alive) and it's wired to the familiar. So, once the novelty wears off, the endorphins are no longer triggered and we fade back into the same old eating patters. However, I'm still in the early days so it's been easy to stay on the Wheat Belly/Paleo style plan.

I've also found some food products that might help. Breakfast is a challenge for me because with 8 of us trying to get ready and fed and lunches packed up it's a zoo and I lack creativity at that time of the day but I found a cereal called Baker on Main that I just love. It's crunchy and filling and tasty - a great combo.

I'm still  starving by 11 a.m. but my schedule doesn't allow for eating then anyway so no problem staying clear of food. I do find, however, that I'm not getting the weird feelings in my head (almost dizzy, almost a headache, just not quite right) when I'm hungry on this diet so I'm able to tolerate the hunger much better. I'm hoping the hunger will lessen with time. I also bought some Skinny B which I will try later this week.
Anytime is a good time to make a resolution.

I've been reading lots of blogs on wheatless eating and many mention clearing out their cupboards of wheat products. I can't do that. How on earth would I feed by kids without bread and pasta? I know millions of you do that quite well, but I can't. I need a quick go to meal on occasion as I run home from work and try to get something cooked before hockey practice or dance or piano lessons. And no, my kids aren't over scheduled, there's just a lot of them. Also, they love this type of food on occasion and they don't show signs of weight issues or slow thinking or any of the symptoms of wheat allergies - so why do it. I'm trying to find fast alternatives for myself such as frozen fish to microwave and then I have some of the salad we all have with our meals.

Yup, still early days and still learning and exploring how to live wheatless, not witless.

Have your best day possible.

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