Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is it really this simple?

Is it truly this simple? I mean, honestly, I don't have cravings for bread or carbs in general; my  appetite is half of what it has been for the last 10 years; I can't eat a full serving of dinner in a restaurant; my jeans are looser....I could go on and on but you get the picture. It's working!!

I'm able to remain wheatless without any effort. I've kind of re-designed how I eat. I have a bowl of wheat free cereal for breakfast , and then I pack a hard boiled egg, an apple, some Greek yogurt with fruit, and a wheat free bar for the day as well as some nuts to get me through the 4 pm hungries. I'm hungry when I get home, but those horrible blood sugar drops aren't happening and my head doesn't ache - which was how I always felt when I was hungry in the past.

I can't make it through the week totally wheat free - especially now when I leave work only to face the hordes of fellow Christmas shoppers, or shivering in the rinks at my kids' hockey tournaments, or Christmas dance and choir recitals etc - no time to have a sit down meal in a restaurant and no time to eat at home, so about one meal a week I end up with a sandwich - but no problem getting back on the wheatless path for the next meal.

I  feel liberated! It still remains to be seen if this will last or if it's just the initial euphoria that comes with a new diet - I know all of you who struggle with weight know what I mean. You start a new *food plan* and you're all revved up with the hope that this one will do the trick. Then, it happens, the weight doesn't budge and it's just too hard to self motivate to deal with the hunger and the emotional deprivation. Well, it's not happening for me that way - at least not yet - so I'll keep on keeping on with this and enjoying every wheatless moment.

Have your best day possible.

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