Monday, January 2, 2012

Bread...or no bread... that's the question...and a Curves warning...

I have been struggling with the issue of whether or not to keep all breads out of my diet, or to include wheat free breads. That's a tough one for me because like most wheat allergy people, I'm addicted to bread. I also have a busy life, as do you, and so taking a sandwich to eat when I'm out of the house at meal times is the easiest thing for me to do.

Well, over Christmas and New Year I have eaten wheat - two concurrent of out of town hockey tournaments requring hotels stays, and now another out of town hockey tournament this coming weekend as well as the younger kids regular activities back on track and me back at work - well, I just can't organize my food to the extent that's needed. So, I've had some wheat products and I feel the unpleasantness of it. I hadn't realized how much wheat dragged me down emotionally as well as physically!

Anyhoo - back to the topic - I finally caved and bought some rice based bread and I'm eating that when I need a sandwich on the go. I don't know how it will impact me - likely not a at all - but I'll be monitoring myself to see if I get the bread cravings back.  I have to say - it's been such a liberating feeling to not crave bread - to see it and not feel that *gut wrenching* pull to consume every crumb.

I've also returned to my evening dog walking - 30 minutes in chilly weather - good for the dogs and good for me. In a couple of weeks I'll start going back to Curves - they changed their hours so that it's next to impossible for me to get there - but I'm going to see if extreme dedication can make it possible. I really think it's silly of a gym to have such short hours and when my membership runs out there I'll definitely be looking at other gyms that have better hours. These guys open early, but I do my writing and course work at the pre-dawn times, and they close early - so that I can't go after my office hours. When I joined Curves the hours were longer, but they changed the hours and wouldn't give me my money back - so ladies - be warned about Curves - check out what they intend to do with their open hours and their money return policy before you sign on.

Okay - that's it for me today - have your best day possible. In the meantime, here's a bread/wheat free lunch alternative for those who, like me, eat lunch at an office desk while doing 10 other things.

tbsp      coconut oil

onion, chopped
cans chick peas, rinsed & drained
cans chopped tomatoes
freshly ground black pepper
lemon juice
throw in some chopped spinach or kale, and maybe a little chopped pesto or garlic to perk this up according to your tastes
Heat the coconut oil in a large saucepan and gently fry the chopped onion until it is softened, but not browned.
Add the chick peas, chopped tomatoes, spinach or kale, pesto or garlic, and freshly ground black pepper and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the lemon juice and cook for another 2-3 minutes, then serve immediately or refrigerate and serve cold later.

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